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Schering en Inslag

I 'm having a blast playing bass with Schering en Inslag, a band formed in Leiden in the 1980s.   I play with four awesome musicians who all happen to be awesome songwriters too! (How often does that happen?!) First picture from left to right: Ed Milstream, Stan van Haasteren, Eddie Korf de Gids, Ruard Wallis-deVries, me

During the Covid lockdowns we held a video chat almost weekly.  Each week we'd sing each other songs related to a theme.  It was fun listening to and learning so much new music.  And how nice it is to sing to each other! 


Singing Delivery Man
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De Zingende Bezorger (The Singing Delivery Man)

Special Christmas Edition!

Imagine having fresh, vegetarian, organic food delivered to you by a singing, guitar and harmonica-playing deliveryman!  What a blast!

Guy is working with Gheestige Willem Caterers to do just that!

You get
Delicious individually packaged organic, vegetarian meals.
Three or four Christmas songs (depending on hunger level :-) ) accompanied by guitar and harmonica.  (Of course good old fashioned Americana:  Elvis, Cash, etc. are always in season if you'd rather!)

Simple small delivery:  €50*
I deliver the food, sing, and leave.

Simple large delivery: €50 + €16.50 *
Same as above but requires an auto for delivery

Special events, weddings, or a special request number: €100*
I and/or other GW staff are present for more than a few minutes.
(Please keep in mind with special requests that I’m most comfortable in a country/folk/old-time rock n roll style.  I’ll be happy to attempt a song by Madonna, but it WON’T sound a whole lot like Madonna  Rap or hip hop probably won’t work.)

How Can I Experience All of this Wonderfulness?
Call or write Els at Gheestige Willem, and she’ll set everything up

*prices are in addition to cost of food

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Uit de Havenloods krant:

Anderhalve meter sessies voor outdoor culi’s

Laten we een feestje maken van je picknick, dachten cateraar GheestigeWillem en multitalent Guy Gorman. Geïnspireerd door hun eigen Noordereilandparkje komen ze met een heerlijk ’s zomers concept. Dat gaat als volgt:
je kiest zelf je locatie in Rotterdam, GheestigeWillem bereidt je picknick, bezorger Guy fietst deze naar de plek van bestemming en zingt je vervolgens toe onder begeleiding van zijn gitaar.
De picknick bevat allerlei heerlijkheden zoals hartige taartjes, salades, tapas, brood & dipjes en een toetje, per persoon verpakt, inclusief bordje en bestek.
De muzikale sessie bestaat uit een aantal gezellige picknicknummers en desgewenst een verjaardagsliedje of meezinger.

GheestigeWillem maakt al jaren furore als vegetarische & biologische cateraar. Guy Gorman, singer-songwriter uit Richmond USA, kwam voor de liefde naar Rotterdam. Hij spreekt al zeer verdienstelijk Nederlands en kan zelfs in bijna begrijpelijk Nederlands zingen. Zijn repertoire bevindt zich ergens tussen rock, folk en rockabilly.

De prijs voor de picknick is €20,00 per persoon inclusief bezorging (min. 4 personen) en voor het optreden €50,00, ongeacht het aantal deelnemers.
Meer weten: check en

Musical Greeting Cards

Musica Greeting Cards

Maybe you'd like to send someone a special musical holiday greeting (or just any greeting for that matter).  I can help.  For €40 I'll personally deliver a greeting card along with a holiday song.  Email me here and we can set something up!

My Repertoire Includes:

Christmas Songs

Blue Christmas

Deck the Halls

I Just Want to Love You For Christmas (original)

Jingle Bells

Let It Snow

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

White Christmas




Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Don't Be Cruel

Folsom Prison Blues

Luckenbach Texas

Oh Boy

Ring of Fire

Rock Therapy

Also: Feel free to ask me about a suitable original song.


I've begun to play with singer, storyteller, and performer, Antonia van der Wijk.  We're having a blast!


The Lekker Dings

Marcel Van Harten: rockin' rockabilly lead guitar, vocals

Paul Smit:  mandolin, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, harmonica, vocals

Ed Molenbeek: cajon, percussion

Guy G. Gorman: acoustic guitar, vocals


Alas, the Dings are no more though rumors of a "one-off" reunion have been circulating.


We jammed  for a few months in Gouda, South Holland even though I live in Rotterdam,  Paul and I go WAY back to the heyday of MySpace!   Paul and Marcel met through  (Such a 21st century band!!!) We shared a love of the Beatles and classic rock n roll and rockabilly.

Paul left to focus on recording an album of original materials including an all-star cast, including at least one Ding.

Guy, Marcel, and Ed are continued performing as Guy G. Gorman & The G-Men.

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Guy G. Gorman & His Spuddy Buddies

Mid 1990s: I was pulling onto Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia and turned on Page Wilson's "Out O' the Blue Radio Revue" on WCVE. I was really enjoying an unfamiliar Roy Orbison song but thought to myself, "How can I not know this song; I'm pretty familiar with Roy's catalog." It turned out to be The Burnt Taters, Craig Evans, Brad Tucker, and George Garrett. I was hooked! These guys were mining the same lode of inspiration that I was!

I've followed the Taters, their changing name and line ups through the years gotten to know Brad and Craig, attended numerous shows, even gotten up on stage with them a couple of times. They've brought me a lot of happiness.

As I thought about a musical way to celebrate my departure for Holland, the Taters immediately came to mind. The glad result was two songs, "I Gotta Lotta Love" and "I Whooped Sin Upside the Head" recorded with Bill McElroy at Slipped Disc Studios in Ashland.

I cherish the memory of our recording sessions together.

You can listen to the results on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, CD Baby and just about every other digital musical outlet.

Guy G. Gorman & The G-Men

I loosened up and started to use my name.  It was much easier to find my music online that way.  Some recordings under this moniker are all me.  Others have included Jim Wark, Brian Sulzer, and George Garrett.  Music by GGG & The G-Men can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, CD Baby and just about every other digital musical outlet.  A revolving cast of G-Men including Ed Milstream, Mandy Melgert, Paul Smit, and Jimmy Moget perform with me here in the Netherlands.

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The G-Men

I'd been writing songs for decades and wanted to do more than file the results away in a folder and on cassette.  I wasn't super interested in performing back in the '90s, but I loved the idea of fitting the puzzle pieces of guitar, drums, bass, harmonica, vocals together.  I recorded my songs on a Tascam cassette 4-track, Then a Boss 8-track.  As a teacher I hesitated to use my name openly because I thought it could be distracting.  Friends called me G-Man, so I decided to create the fiction of an actual band, The G-Men, with me playing all the parts.  (Exception: Jimmy Catlett rocked out on guitar, bass, and background vocals on "New and Improved"!) The albums, "Love Love Love!," "New and Improved" and "G2" can be found on Spotify and every other notable digital musical outlet.  Music From "Justice G-Men" and "Vintage G-Men" can be found at my Bandcamp site:


The Stallones/Plate of Shrimp

My first band.  We started out as "Plate of Shrimp," a reference to the cult movie, Repo Man.  Nobody got the reference.  Our name was misspelled in ads.  We also were looking for something a little more dynamic and macho.  "The Stallones" fit the bill.  We were clear, though, that we had named ourselves after Frank and not Sylvester.  [Yeah, nobody got that one either. :-) ]


We played around the Washington, DC area in the late 80s and early 90's at clubs such as the Grog and Tankard, D.C. Space, The Safari Club, Back Alley Cafe, and the Fort Reno Park Concert Series.  The core group consisted of Ed Schuster on drums, guitar, and vocals; Dana Cann on guitar and vocals, and me on guitar, vocals, and drums.  Rob Bayne, Jeff Cross, Louis Harris, and Joe Marencic played bass.  Joe and Rob often sang too. We were heavily influenced by punk and New Wave.  Favorite bands at the time included The Replacements, The Ramones, The Undertones, Johnny Thunders' Heartbreakers, The Velvet Underground, Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Minor Threat and more.  (Yeah, kind of eclectic.)

Ed went on to play in a Black Sabbath tribute band, Iron Man.  He has also been active in church music in the Richmond, VA area and more recently in Phoenix, AZ.  Dana became a short-story writer and published novelist.  Check out his first novel, The Ghosts of Bergen County    HERE .  Rob is out in the Bay Area doing solo work and playing with The Rob Bayne Band.  Joe has played with The Atomic Mosquitos, a neo Surf band. 

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